2015 AGM: Novel Ecosystems Nov 14
Registration is open for the 2015 SERO AGM hosted at the University of Waterloo.
The realities of climate change, altered landscapes, new and modified chemical inputs, introduced species and ultimately changes to the interactions between biota and abiotic processes, have led restoration ecologists to reconsider conventional approaches to ecological restoration. The emergence of the concept of novel ecosystems, that is “ecosystems that exist without historical precedents and are self-sustaining” (Hobbs et. al. 2013)”is becoming more common practice in light of ecological constraints to traditional approaches to ecological restoration.
The Society for Ecological Restoration in Ontario (SERO) is pleased to host a workshop on Novel Ecosystems at the University of Waterloo on November 14, 2015. The workshop will provide attendees with an opportunity to:
- Hear from academics and practitioners on the recent trends and knowledge surrounding novel ecosystems
- Develop an understanding of what is meant by “novel ecosystems”
- Identify how and when to implement the novel ecosystem approach to ecological restoration
- Hear about previous and upcoming projects where novel ecosystems has been the approach to ecological restoration